How to Move your Body Master Class!

How to Move your Body Master Class!


Are you comfortable moving your own body?

Do your shoulders hunch over, neck protrude forward, and have a tight low back?

You're most likely missing an essential component to your exercise routine, or you don't have one yet!

If you've dreamed of moving your body as flawless as a leopard or as strong as a bull, this movement master class will give a mix of both for a balanced, fluent physique.

You'll cover all your biomechanical bases in just 20 minutes per day using your body weight.

  • Mobility/ Stability

  • Muscle strength

  • Coordination: in-synch & out-of-synch muscle relationships

  • Biomechanical alignment

  • Cardiovascular endurance

  • Flexibility/ elasticity

  • Full-body muscle-sculpting

  • Pelvic core support

  • Healthy, happy feet

  • Dynamic spinal movement & a pain-free neck

  • Mind-body harmony

Building an effective and safe fitness base should be fun, simple, and practical, inspiring you to live an independent, active lifestyle. If you've worked with personal trainers, physical therapists, or other fitness coaches but are still not satisfied with your body, purchase your How to Move Your Body Master Class & receive your dream physique in just 6-weeks.

You'll learn 3D exercises that move you outside of your regular movement box and inspire those little & big muscles to wake up!

  • You'll receive the simplest and most efficient systems to create the body of your dreams and keep it.

  • Re-programs your body to move as it should, using strategies backed by science and designed for any body type.

  • Includes six classes to watch on-demand. One lesson per week with three simple steps to follow each class.

  • Only 20 minutes a day is required for max results!

  • Perfect for beginners, fit pros, and movement professionals looking to add value to their fitness toolbox.

Valued at $10,000, but you'll get this Master Class E-book Today, for only $199.99!

Download Now

Take a Sneak Peak before you purchase, xo

Welcome to the How to Move your Body Master Class!

Give yourself a high five right now because sh*t just got reaaaaaal :) and you're a total b.a for showing up to benefit your mind & body.

Over the next 6 weeks, get ready to fall in love with your body...yes from head-to-toe you're gonna be like "damn dat’s me?" okay!

Because I'm going to share with you all my movement secrets... yep, you're about to be a movement insider! We're gonna take it real slow too, so I need you to be ready to vibe with me. Like kid vibes, fun, playful and non-judgmental.

You're not here to judge yourself, I already know you can do that all on your own ;)

You're out here today because you're tired of criticizing yourself and you're ready to take action!

Over the next 6 weeks, I need only two things from you. Let's go over them so that you understand the two factors that will make sure you're successful during your movement master class journey.

1.) Commit to yourself. Yep, I know commitments are scary but this commitment shouldn't be, because you're committing to you and that's it! Just show up every day for yourself. The videos will take 20 mins or less from your day so schedule it as "hey this is me time!". We're building new habits over the next 6 weeks so start today with making a commitment to show up and do the work.

2.) Be playful. Play mode keeps our hearts & minds open to accepting ourselves as we are & not judging it. Each master class lesson is going to be "new stuff" for your brain & body. That means it's gonna feel weird and look weird when you first try it. Make sure to have fun and laugh as your learning how your body moves, it will feel like play instead of work.

If you're having trouble with this or anything else that's holding you back, please let me know and we'll figure it out together. teamwork makes the dream werk

Okay so let's get started!